Frankie.lai Photography @ York UK

Frankie has an illustrious career in advertising and creative arts for many years and has been a Creative Director in leading advertising agencies.
Frankie has to apologize to you here, because he knows no way to “create” romanticized pictures for you…
Frankie has the ability to capture, through his lens, those precious moments in their most natural and spontaneous state. His pictures are alive, full of movement and his subjects are always portrayed in a candid manner. Frankie always believes the content of the photograph is most important after all. With so many years’ working experience in the art direction aspect, Frankie is adept in tuning the lighting and ambience of pictures towards perfection by means of some digital technology, or "Daylive Digital Darkroom Service (DDDS)" as called by Frankie.
Finally, We thank you for your interest in our services. Please contact us if you have any enquiry. It’s always our pleasure to be of service to you.